Aurora Elementary Home

You make Aurora Shine!

Our Vision

We at Aurora Elementary will instill in all students the love of learning and certainty of achieving success through high expectations, standards-based curriculum, and character building through activities that inspire communication, collaboration, and creation.

News & Announcements

May 18

2024-2025 Enroll Now!/Inscribete Ahora por 2024-2025!

Aurora Office is open Saturday, May 18 for enrollment. Stop by the office for an enrollment packet./La oficina de Aurora está abierta el sábado 18 de mayo para inscripciones. Pase por la oficina para recibir un paquete de inscripción.


illustration of school building

About Us

Welcome to Aurora Elementary School. We thank you for your support in developing our students' academic growth along with their social emotional growth. You help make Aurora shine.
hand placing children\'s wooden blocks in a pyramid

Our Mission

Our mission of Aurora Elementary is to provide all students a diverse education in a safe, supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation, and excellence in learning. Aurora Elementary, along with parents and community will assist students in developing skills to become independent and self-sufficient adults who will succeed and contribute responsibly in a global community.